
exposure (EN)

Navneord “exposure”

ental exposure, flertal exposures eller utællelig
  1. udsathed
    People should limit their exposure to the sun to prevent skin damage.
  2. afsløring
    The newspaper's exposure of the company's illegal activities shocked the public.
  3. Eksponering (mængden af finansiel risiko en person eller organisation har)
    The bank reduced its exposure to high-risk loans after the crisis.
  4. eksponering
    Studying abroad offers great exposure to different cultures and languages.
  5. eksponering (fotografi)
    The photographer adjusted the exposure to capture the scene perfectly.
  6. orientering
    Their house has a southern exposure, making it warm and sunny all day.
  7. forfrysning
    The stranded climbers were at risk of exposure in the freezing temperatures.
  8. Blotteri (handlingen at vise noget, der forventes at være skjult, såsom kønsorganer)
    He was arrested for indecent exposure.