
transparency (EN)
at sözi

at sözi “transparency”

ýeketäk transparency, köplük transparencies ýa-da sanalmaýan
  1. aç-açanlyk (aragatnaşykda ýa-da işlerde açyklyk we dogruçyllyk)
    The government promised greater transparency in decision-making processes to rebuild public trust.
  2. şaffaflyk (görünip duran bolmagyň hili)
    The transparency of the water made it possible to see the fish swimming below.
  3. şaffaflyk (üstüne ýagtylyk düşürilip görülen açyk surat ýa-da şekil)
    The teacher used transparencies on the overhead projector to display diagrams during the lesson.
  4. şaffaflyk (signal işlemekde, gysylan maglumatlaryň asyl nusgasyndan tapawutlandyryp bolmaýan ýagdaýy)
    The audio engineer was impressed by the transparency of the compressed music files; they sounded identical to the originals.