tour (EN)
at sözi, fiil

at sözi “tour”

sg. tour, pl. tours or uncountable
  1. syýahat
    The museum offers guided tours of the ancient artifacts exhibit every hour.
  2. ekskursiýa
    The museum offers guided tours of the ancient artifacts exhibit every hour on the hour.
  3. gastrol (artistleriň ýa-da toparlaryň dürli ýerlere saparlary)
    Beyoncé announced her world tour, planning to perform in over 30 cities.
  4. sport sapary (kriket ýa-da rugbi ýaly sportlarda daşary ýurda edilýän oýun saparlary)
    The rugby team was excited for their upcoming tour in New Zealand, where they would play against four local teams.
  5. welosiped ýaryşy (köçelerde we ýollarda geçirilýän, köplenç birnäçe gün dowam edýän)
    The Tour de France is one of the most famous tours, attracting cyclists from around the world.
  6. çempionaty kesgitleýän ýaryşlar toplumy
    The tennis player was excited to compete in her first Grand Slam tour, facing opponents in a series of matches across four major tournaments.

fiil “tour”

tour; he tours; past toured, part. toured; ger. touring
  1. gastrol etmek (konsertler ýa-da şoular bilen ýerden-ýere syýahat etmek)
    Adele toured Europe last summer, performing in over twenty cities.