at sözi “rubber”
ýekelik rubber, köplük rubbers
- rezin
Hasaba alyň, mysal sözlemleriň terjimelerini we her bir sözüň bir dilli düşündirişlerini görmek üçin.
Rubber is used to make tires, gloves, and many other products.
- pozan
In class, I used a rubber to correct my mistakes.
- prezervatiw
He always carries a rubber for protection.
- jemgy jemleýji ýeňijini kesgitlemek üçin oýunlaryň ýa-da duşuşyklaryň tapgyry
They won the rubber after three intense matches.
- teker (awtoulag ýaryşlarynda ulanylýan)
The pit crew changed the car's rubber during the pit stop.
sypat söz “rubber”
esas görnüşi rubber, derejelendirilip bilinmeýän
- rezinli
She wore rubber boots to walk through the muddy field.