
rubber (EN)

名詞 “rubber”

単数 rubber、複数 rubbers
  1. ゴム
    Rubber is used to make tires, gloves, and many other products.
  2. 消しゴム
    In class, I used a rubber to correct my mistakes.
  3. コンドーム
    He always carries a rubber for protection.
  4. 全体の勝者を決定するための一連のゲームや試合。
    They won the rubber after three intense matches.
  5. タイヤ(特にレーシングカー用)
    The pit crew changed the car's rubber during the pit stop.

形容詞 “rubber”

基本形 rubber、非段階的
  1. ゴム製の
    She wore rubber boots to walk through the muddy field.