ном маъноӣ “thing”
якш. thing, ҷам. things ё ношумор
- чиз
Ба қайд гиред, то тарҷумаҳои ҷумлаҳои намунавӣ ва таърифҳои якзабонаи ҳар як калимаро бинед.
Happiness is an intangible thing that everyone seeks.
- ашё
Before we leave for the camping trip, make sure you pack all your things in the backpack.
- мӯд (моддаи маъмул дар замони муайян)
Wearing vintage clothes is now the thing among high school students.
- одат (одати маъмул дар фарҳанг ё гурӯҳи муайян)
Drinking beer from a 1 liter mug is a German thing.
- воқеият (чизе ки воқеан мавҷуд аст)
You're telling me people have yoga classes with goats now? Is that actually a thing?
- баста (бастаи маҳсулоти истеъмолӣ)
I ran out of toothpaste, so I picked up a new thing of it while I was at the supermarket.
- мушкилот
She seems perfect for the job, but the thing is, her schedule might not align with our project timeline.
- мавҷуд (ҳар гуна мавҷуди зинда)
Look at that tiny kitten shivering in the cold; what a helpless little thing it is.
- ин (истифода барои ишора ба исми қаблӣ бо шеваи камтаваҷҷӯҳона ё мубҳам)
She keeps talking about the relationship thing, but I'm not ready for that kind of commitment.
- шавқ (чизе ки шахс ба он алоқаманд аст)
Playing chess is her thing; she loves the strategy involved.
- рӯтин (рӯтини маъмули шахс)
When the band hit the stage, they did their thing and the crowd went wild.
- муносибат (муносибати романтикӣ)
Jake and Anna have a thing going on.