ном маъноӣ “angle”
якш. angle, ҷам. angles
- кунҷ
Ба қайд гиред, то тарҷумаҳои ҷумлаҳои намунавӣ ва таърифҳои якзабонаи ҳар як калимаро бинед.
The teacher asked us to measure the angle where the two walls meet.
- гӯша
The cat hid in the angle where the two fences met.
- самте, ки на комилан амудӣ ва на уфуқӣ аст
The car parked at an angle, making it hard for others to park next to it.
- нуқтаи назар
From his angle, the new policy seemed unfair to small businesses.
- қалмоқ
He carefully prepared his angle before casting it into the river.
феъл “angle”
инфинитив angle; ӯ angles; замони гузашта angled; ҳиссаи гуз. angled; гер. angling
- моил кардан
The picture frame was angled slightly to the left.
- тағйир додан (самтро)
The car angled sharply to avoid the pothole.
- шарҳ додан (аз нуқтаи назари муайян)
She angled her story to make it sound more exciting to the audience.
- моҳидорӣ кардан
Every weekend, they angle by the river hoping to catch some trout.
- талош кардан (барои ба даст овардани чизе)
She kept complimenting her boss's ideas, clearly angling for a promotion.