angle (EN)
зат есім, етістік

зат есім “angle”

sg. angle, pl. angles
  1. бұрыш
    The teacher asked us to measure the angle where the two walls meet.
  2. бұрыш (екі қабырға түйіскен жер)
    The cat hid in the angle where the two fences met.
  3. тік немесе көлденең емес бағыт
    The car parked at an angle, making it hard for others to park next to it.
  4. көзқарас
    From his angle, the new policy seemed unfair to small businesses.
  5. қармақ
    He carefully prepared his angle before casting it into the river.

етістік “angle”

angle; he angles; past angled, part. angled; ger. angling
  1. қисайту
    The picture frame was angled slightly to the left.
  2. бұрылу
    The car angled sharply to avoid the pothole.
  3. талқылау (белгілі бір көзқарас тұрғысынан)
    She angled her story to make it sound more exciting to the audience.
  4. қармақ салу
    Every weekend, they angle by the river hoping to catch some trout.
  5. сұрау (жанама түрде)
    She kept complimenting her boss's ideas, clearly angling for a promotion.