
ν (EN)
barua, ishara

barua “ν”

ν, nu
  1. herufi ya 13 ya alfabeti ya Kigiriki
    She studied ancient Greek and learned that ν is pronounced "nu".

ishara “ν”

  1. (fizikia) alama inayowakilisha marudio
    In physics class, we learned that ν represents the frequency of a wave.
  2. (fizikia) alama inayowakilisha neutrino, chembe msingi
    The scientist detected a neutrino (ν) emitted from the sun.
  3. (aljebra ya maji) ishara ya mnato wa kinematiki, kipimo cha upinzani wa mtiririko wa kimiminika
    Engineers calculate the flow rate using ν to represent kinematic viscosity.
  4. (hisabati) kigezo kinachotumika kuwakilisha digrii za uhuru au vigezo vingine
    The t-distribution depends on ν, the degrees of freedom.