ˈtʰoʊtl US ˈtʰəʊtl UK

total (EN)
sifa, nomino, kitenzi

sifa “total”

msingi total, isiyopimika
  1. jumla
    The total cost of the groceries came to $150.
  2. kamili
    She was in total shock when she heard the news.

nomino “total”

umoja total, wingi totals au isiyohesabika
  1. jumla
    The total for our grocery shopping this week came to $200.

kitenzi “total”

kitenzi total; yeye totals; wakati uliopita totaled us, totalled uk; kitendo kilichopita totaled us, totalled uk; kitendo cha sasa totaling us, totalling uk
  1. kujumlisha
    After totaling the expenses, she realized she had spent more than her budget allowed.
  2. kufikia
    The expenses for the trip totaled over $500.
  3. kuharibu kabisa (kutumika zaidi Marekani kama lugha ya mtaani)
    During the storm, a tree fell on my bike and totally totaled it.