
foundation (EN)

nomino “foundation”

umoja foundation, wingi foundations au isiyohesabika
  1. msingi (wa jengo)
    The builders are laying the foundation for the new school.
  2. msingi (wa wazo)
    Trust is the foundation of a strong relationship.
  3. shirika (la misaada)
    The foundation provides scholarships to deserving students.
  4. kuanzishwa
    The foundation of the university dates back to the 18th century.
  5. krimu au vipodozi vya maji vinavyotumika usoni ili kuunda rangi ya ngozi iliyo sawa
    She applied foundation before putting on her eye makeup.
  6. (katika michezo ya karata) katika solitaire, mojawapo ya marundo ambapo karata zimepangwa kwa mfuatano
    He placed the ace on the foundation to start the game.