
rating (EN)

Ова реч може бити и облик:
rate (глагол)

именица “rating”

jednina rating, množina ratings
  1. оцена
    Many customers trust the restaurant because it has a five-star rating on the review website.
  2. ранг (на основу перформанси или квалитета)
    After months of practice, she achieved the top rating in the piano competition.
  3. рејтинг (у финансијама, процена финансијске поузданости)
    The bank refused his loan application due to his low credit rating.
  4. рејтинг (на телевизији, мера колико људи гледа телевизијски програм)
    The finale of the series had the highest ratings of the season, drawing in millions of viewers.
  5. специјалност (наутичка, специјалност морнара)
    He held the rating of machinist's mate on the submarine, responsible for maintaining the engines.
  6. морнар (морнарица, војник који није официр)
    He served as a rating in the Royal Navy before becoming an officer.