
marker (EN)

именица “marker”

jednina marker, množina markers
  1. маркер
    She drew a poster using colorful markers.
  2. ознака
    They placed markers along the path to guide the hikers.
  3. показатељ
    The GDP is a common marker of a country's economic health.
  4. маркер (у биологији)
    The researchers used a genetic marker to track the spread of the disease.
  5. (лингвистика) реч или морфема која означава граматичку функцију
    In the word "talked," the "-ed" is a past tense marker.
  6. оцењивач
    The markers are working hard to grade all the exam papers before the deadline.
  7. чувар (у спорту)
    The defender acted as the marker for the opponent's star throughout the game.