
felt (EN)
именица, глагол

Ова реч може бити и облик:
feel (глагол)

именица “felt”

јединствени felt, множина felts или небројив
  1. filc
    She crafted a colorful hat from pieces of brightly dyed felt.
  2. šešir od filca
    She wore a stylish felt that complemented her vintage outfit perfectly.
  3. flomaster (ili marker)
    The children grabbed their felts and eagerly began coloring the posters for the school play.

глагол “felt”

infinitiv felt; on felts; prošlo vreme felted; prošli part. felted; ger. felting
  1. valjati (u kontekstu proizvodnje filca)
    The artisan felted the wool meticulously to create a beautiful, seamless fabric.
  2. obložiti filcom
    To improve the acoustics of the room, they felted the walls with a thick layer of sound-absorbing material.