
definition (EN)

именица “definition”

јединствени definition, множина definitions или небројив
  1. дефиниција
    I looked up the definition of "gravity" to better understand the concept.
  2. значење
    The definition of friendship can vary between different cultures.
  3. дефиниција (у математици)
    In geometry, the definition of a square is a shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  4. објашњење
    The scientist's clear definition of the process helped everyone understand it.
  5. јасноћа или оштрина слике, звука или приказа
    The photograph has incredible definition, showing every detail of the landscape.
  6. (бодибилдинг) степен до којег су мишићи видљиво различити
    His workout routine focuses on increasing muscle definition.
  7. оличење
    She is the definition of courage after saving the child from the fire.
  8. (програмирање) изјава која успоставља вредност или тело функције
    The code includes the definition of several important functions.