kata benda “definition”
tunggal definition, jamak definitions atau tak terhitung
- definisi
Daftar untuk melihat terjemahan contoh kalimat dan definisi monolingual dari setiap kata.
I looked up the definition of "gravity" to better understand the concept.
- makna
The definition of friendship can vary between different cultures.
- definisi (dalam matematika)
In geometry, the definition of a square is a shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
- penjelasan
The scientist's clear definition of the process helped everyone understand it.
- kejernihan atau ketajaman gambar, suara, atau tampilan
The photograph has incredible definition, showing every detail of the landscape.
- (olahraga binaraga) tingkat di mana otot terlihat jelas terpisah
His workout routine focuses on increasing muscle definition.
- contoh sempurna
She is the definition of courage after saving the child from the fire.
- (perangkat lunak) pernyataan yang menetapkan nilai atau badan dari sebuah fungsi
The code includes the definition of several important functions.