samostalnik “definition”
ednina definition, množina definitions ali neštevno
- definicija
Prijavite se za ogled prevodov primerov stavkov in enojezičnih definicij vsake besede.
I looked up the definition of "gravity" to better understand the concept.
- pomen
The definition of friendship can vary between different cultures.
- definicija (v matematiki)
In geometry, the definition of a square is a shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
- opredelitev
The scientist's clear definition of the process helped everyone understand it.
- jasnost ali ostrina slike, zvoka ali prikaza
The photograph has incredible definition, showing every detail of the landscape.
- (bodybuilding) stopnja, do katere so mišice vidno razločne
His workout routine focuses on increasing muscle definition.
- poosebitev
She is the definition of courage after saving the child from the fire.
- (programiranje) stavek, ki določa vrednost ali telo funkcije
The code includes the definition of several important functions.