
base (EN)
именица, глагол, придев

именица “base”

јединствени base, множина bases или небројив
  1. основа
    The vase stood securely on a wooden base.
  2. база
    She was stationed at an air force base overseas.
  3. седиште
    The company's base is located in New York City.
  4. база
    In chemistry class, we learned that sodium hydroxide is a strong base.
  5. главни састојак у нечему
    The sauce has a base of tomatoes and herbs.
  6. основа (почетна тачка или темељ за идеју или теорију)
    His argument has a solid factual base.
  7. основа (у математици, број који се користи као основа у систему бројања или израчунавања)
    Binary code uses base 2 instead of base 10.
  8. база (у бејзболу)
    He hit the ball and ran to first base.
  9. baza (u biologiji, jedna od molekula koje čine deo DNK ili RNK)
    The sequence of bases in DNA determines genetic information.
  10. osoba koja podržava druge u akrobatici ili navijanju
    As the base, she lifted the flyer into the stunt.

глагол “base”

infinitiv base; on bases; prošlo vreme based; prošli part. based; ger. basing
  1. засновати
    The novel is based on a true story.
  2. базирати
    The company is based in London.
  3. (u akrobatici ili navijanju) biti osoba koja podržava druge
    She bases her teammate during the stunt routine.

придев “base”

основни облик base, baser, basest (или more/most)
  1. подао
    He was arrested for his base actions.
  2. неквалитетан
    The tools were made of base metal.