Substantiv “base”
Sg. base, Pl. bases od. unz.
- Basis
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The vase stood securely on a wooden base.
- Stützpunkt
She was stationed at an air force base overseas.
- Hauptsitz
The company's base is located in New York City.
- Base
In chemistry class, we learned that sodium hydroxide is a strong base.
- die Hauptzutat in etwas
The sauce has a base of tomatoes and herbs.
- Basis (der Ausgangspunkt oder die Grundlage für eine Idee oder Theorie)
His argument has a solid factual base.
- Basis (in der Mathematik, eine Zahl, die als Grundlage in einem System des Zählens oder der Berechnungen verwendet wird)
Binary code uses base 2 instead of base 10.
- Base (im Baseball)
He hit the ball and ran to first base.
- Base (in der Biologie, eines der Moleküle, die Teil der DNA oder RNA sind)
The sequence of bases in DNA determines genetic information.
- die Person, die andere in der Akrobatik oder im Cheerleading unterstützt
As the base, she lifted the flyer into the stunt.
Verb “base”
Infinitiv base; er bases; Prät. based; Part. based; Ger. basing
- basieren
The novel is based on a true story.
- stationieren
The company is based in London.
- (im Akrobatik oder Cheerleading) die Person sein, die andere unterstützt
She bases her teammate during the stunt routine.
Adjektiv “base”
Grundform base, baser, basest (oder more/most)
- niederträchtig
He was arrested for his base actions.
- minderwertig
The tools were made of base metal.