
futurist (EN)
emër, mbiemër

emër “futurist”

njëjës futurist, shumës futurists
  1. futurist (dikush që studion dhe parashikon se si mund të jetë e ardhmja)
    The futurist gave a fascinating talk about how technology will shape our lives in the next 20 years.
  2. futurist (artist që ndjek parimet e futurizmit)
    The exhibition features works from Italian futurists of the early 20th century.

mbiemër “futurist”

forma bazë futurist, jo-shkallëzueshme
  1. futurist (që ka të bëjë me stilin e futurizmit)
    The building's design features a futurist aesthetic with sleek lines and metallic finishes.