
buy (EN)
folje, emër

folje “buy”

buy; he buys; past bought, part. bought; ger. buying
  1. blej
    She went to the store to buy some groceries for dinner.
  2. besoj (në mënyrë joformale)
    He told me he was late because of traffic, but I'm not buying it.
  3. mjafton (për të arritur diçka)
    A million dollars could buy you a nice house in this neighborhood.
  4. korruptoj
    The corrupt politician tried to buy the inspector to overlook the violations.
  5. fitoj (duke sakrifikuar diçka tjetër)
    They bought peace by agreeing to the demands of the protesters.
  6. blej (në biznes, në shkallë të gjerë)
    She buys clothing for a major department store.
  7. bëj një bllof të madh
    He tried to buy the pot with a huge bet, but another player called him.

emër “buy”

sg. buy, pl. buys
  1. blerje (artikull i blerë me çmim të mirë)
    The car was a real buy at that price.