samostalnik “home”
ednina home, množina homes ali neštevno
- dom
Prijavite se za ogled prevodov primerov stavkov in enojezičnih definicij vsake besede.
After a long vacation, the family felt relieved and happy to finally return to their cozy home.
- rojstni kraj
Every summer, he returns to his home to visit his family.
- domovina (prednikov)
After years of traveling, he finally returned home, feeling an overwhelming sense of belonging and peace.
- zavetišče
The old mansion was transformed into a home for abandoned pets, offering them shelter and love.
- naravno okolje
The Amazon rainforest is the home of thousands of unique species of plants and animals.
- domača stran
When you visit our website, click on the "Home" link to see an overview of newly added content.
- domači imenik
I saved the file in my home, so I can access it from any terminal.
- cilj (v igri)
In chess, once your pawn reaches the opposite side of the board, it can be promoted, making that square its home.
glagol “home”
nedoločnik home; on homes; preteklik homed; deležnik preteklik homed; gerundij homing
- najti pot domov
After being lost for days, the pigeon homed back to its coop.
pridevnik “home”
osnovna oblika home, ne-stopnjevno
- domač
The home market is not that important for this company because it has expanded globally.
- domače izdelave
She baked home cookies for the school bake sale.
- domača (ekipa)
The home fans cheered wildly as their team scored the winning goal.
prislov “home”
- proti domu
After the movie, we all decided to head home.
- doma
After the long journey, it's great to be home again.
- proti rojstnemu kraju
After years of living overseas, she finally flew home to visit her family.
- na svoje mesto
He pushed the drawer home with a satisfying click.
- na domačo stran
After reading the article, I clicked the logo to return home.
- v gol
He kicked the ball and it went straight home, scoring the winning goal.