
Gothic (EN)
pridevnik, samostalnik, lastno ime

Ta beseda je lahko tudi oblika:
gothic (pridevnik)

pridevnik “Gothic”

osnovna oblika Gothic (more/most)
  1. gotski (ki se nanaša na slog arhitekture iz srednjeveške Evrope s koničastimi loki in zapletenimi oblikami)
    The cathedral is a beautiful Gothic building.
  2. gotski (ki se nanaša na slog fikcije s temnimi in skrivnostnimi okolji ter nadnaravnimi elementi)
    He wrote a Gothic novel set in a haunted castle.
  3. gotski (v zvezi z Goti ali njihovim jezikom)
    They studied Gothic history in their anthropology class.
  4. Gotski (ki se nanaša na slog staromodnega pisanja z debelimi in tankimi potezami)
    The ancient manuscript was written in Gothic script.

samostalnik “Gothic”

ednina Gothic, množina Gothics
  1. gotski roman (roman ali zgodba, napisana v gotskem slogu, z mračnimi in skrivnostnimi temami)
    Dracula" is a well-known Gothic that has captivated readers for generations.
  2. vrsta molja iz družine Noctuidae
    We spotted a Gothic resting on the bark during our nighttime walk.

lastno ime “Gothic”

  1. gotščina
    Scholars study Gothic to learn more about early Germanic cultures.