Tembung iki uga bisa dadi wangun saka:
sifat “Gothic”
bentuk dasar Gothic (more/most)
- Gothik (nuduhake gaya arsitektur saka Eropa abad tengahan kanthi lengkungan lancip lan desain rumit)
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The cathedral is a beautiful Gothic building.
- gothik (nuduhake gaya fiksi kanthi latar peteng lan misterius lan unsur gaib)
He wrote a Gothic novel set in a haunted castle.
- Gotik (kagungane suku Goth utawa basane)
They studied Gothic history in their anthropology class.
- Gotik (magepokan karo gaya tulisan kuna kanthi goresan kandel lan tipis)
The ancient manuscript was written in Gothic script.
kata benda “Gothic”
tunggal Gothic, jamak Gothics
- gotik (novel utawa crita sing ditulis kanthi gaya gotik, ngemot tema peteng lan misterius)
Dracula" is a well-known Gothic that has captivated readers for generations.
- salah sawijining jinis gegremet ing kulawarga Noctuidae
We spotted a Gothic resting on the bark during our nighttime walk.
jeneng khusus “Gothic”
- Basa Goth
Scholars study Gothic to learn more about early Germanic cultures.