
A (EN)
črka, samostalnik, simbol

Ta beseda je lahko tudi oblika:
a (člen, predlog, črka, prislov, simbol)

črka “A”

  1. črka A
    Alice began her alphabet lesson by writing an A on the whiteboard.

samostalnik “A”

ednina A, množina As
  1. najvišja ocena v šoli, ki kaže odlično delo
    After studying all night, she earned As in all her subjects.

simbol “A”

  1. prva nota v a-mol lestvici (prav tako standardna višina za uglaševanje, ki vibrira pri 440 Hz)
    When tuning her violin, Maria always starts by adjusting the A string to match the 440 Hz pitch.
  2. krvna skupina s specifičnim antigenom
    If you have blood type A, you cannot donate blood to someone with type B because of the different antigens.
  3. skupno število protonov in nevtronov v jedru atoma
    In the nucleus of an atom, A represents the total number of protons and neutrons combined.
  4. vrsta baterije nekoliko večja od velikosti AA
    The flashlight requires A batteries, which are harder to find than the more common AA size.
  5. najmanjša standardna velikost košarice modrčka
    She realized she had been wearing the wrong bra size and needed to switch to an A cup.
  6. simbol za površino v geometriji
    To find the total space inside the square, we need to calculate its area using the formula A = side × side.
  7. vrsta vozniškega dovoljenja za motorna kolesa
    To ride that, you need to obtain an A category license.
  8. amper (enota za merjenje električnega toka)
    The electrician measured the current of the circuit and found it to be exactly 10 A.
  9. v genetiki je to okrajšava za adenin
    In the DNA sequence A T C G, "A" stands for adenine.
  10. v biokemiji je simbol za alanin v beljakovinah
    In the protein sequence GAVLI, "A" stands for alanine.
  11. alt, glasovni razpon pod sopranom
    In the choir, she was assigned to sing the A part because of her rich alto voice.
  12. oznaka za razlikovanje vozil za Avstrijo
    On the back of the car, there was an "A" sticker indicating it was from Austria.
  13. okrajšava za "answer" (odgovor)
    Q: Who? A: Me.