See sõna võib olla ka vorm järgmistest:
a (artikkel, eelsõna, täht, määrsõna, sümbol) täht “A”
- täht A
Registreeruge, et näha näitelauseid ja iga sõna ükskeelseid definitsioone.
Alice began her alphabet lesson by writing an A on the whiteboard.
nimisõna “A”
- koolis kõrgeim hinne, näitab suurepärast tööd
After studying all night, she earned As in all her subjects.
sümbol “A”
- A-moll skaala esimene noot (samuti standardhäälestuse toon, mis vibreerib sagedusel 440 Hz)
When tuning her violin, Maria always starts by adjusting the A string to match the 440 Hz pitch.
- veregrupp kindla antigeeniga
If you have blood type A, you cannot donate blood to someone with type B because of the different antigens.
- aatomituuma prootonite ja neutronite koguarv
In the nucleus of an atom, A represents the total number of protons and neutrons combined.
- akutüüp, mis on veidi suurem kui AA suurus
The flashlight requires A batteries, which are harder to find than the more common AA size.
- rinnahoidja kõige väiksem standardmõõt.
She realized she had been wearing the wrong bra size and needed to switch to an A cup.
- geomeetrias pindala sümbol
To find the total space inside the square, we need to calculate its area using the formula A = side × side.
- mootorratta juhiluba
To ride that, you need to obtain an A category license.
- amper (ühik elektrivoolu mõõtmiseks)
The electrician measured the current of the circuit and found it to be exactly 10 A.
- geneetikas on see adenosiini lühend
In the DNA sequence A T C G, "A" stands for adenine.
- biokeemias on valkudes alaniini sümbol A
In the protein sequence GAVLI, "A" stands for alanine.
- alt, hääleregister sopranist madalamal
In the choir, she was assigned to sing the A part because of her rich alto voice.
- sõiduki eristusmärk Austriale
On the back of the car, there was an "A" sticker indicating it was from Austria.
- lühend sõnast "answer" (vastus)