Toto slovo môže byť tiež formou:
podstatné meno “standing”
singulár standing, plurál standings alebo nepočítateľné
- postavenie
Zaregistrujte sa, aby ste videli preklady príkladových viet a jednojazyčné definície každého slova.
Dr. Smith has high standing among her colleagues.
- trvanie
He is a member of long standing in the community.
prídavné meno “standing”
základný tvar standing, negradovateľný
- stály
The club has a standing invitation for her to join any time.
- stojaci
The audience gave a standing ovation at the end of the performance.
- stojatá
Mosquitoes often breed in standing water.
- stojace (stromy)
The storm left many standing trees damaged.
- stojaci (nábytok)
The old mansion featured a grand standing clock in the hallway.