skirt (EN)
podstatné meno, sloveso

podstatné meno “skirt”

sg. skirt, pl. skirts
  1. sukňa
    She twirled in her new skirt, the fabric swirling around her knees.

sloveso “skirt”

skirt; he skirts; past skirted, part. skirted; ger. skirting
  1. obkolesovať (pričom sa nachádza pozdĺž okraja alebo hranice)
    The river skirts the edge of our property, providing a natural boundary.
  2. obísť (po obvode alebo okraji)
    We decided to skirt the busy downtown area and take the scenic route instead.
  3. vyhnúť sa (problému alebo téme)
    The politician skirted the question about tax increases by changing the subject to healthcare.