
clipping (EN)
podstatné meno

Toto slovo môže byť tiež formou:
clip (sloveso)

podstatné meno “clipping”

singulár clipping, plurál clippings alebo nepočítateľné
  1. odrezok
    After the haircut, the floor was covered with hair clippings.
  2. výstrižok
    He keeps a folder of clippings from newspapers about space missions.
  3. skrátené slovo (v lingvistike)
    “Lab” is a clipping of “laboratory”.
  4. skreslenie (v elektronike)
    The recording had noticeable clipping due to a high input level.
  5. (grafika) proces skrytia častí obrazu alebo objektu mimo určitej oblasti
    Clipping is used to render only what the player sees in a video game.
  6. nelegálny blok zozadu pod pásom v americkom futbale
    The player received a penalty for clipping.