clearing (EN)
podstatné meno

Toto slovo môže byť tiež formou:
clear (sloveso)

podstatné meno “clearing”

sg. clearing, pl. clearings or uncountable
  1. lúka (v lese)
    After hiking for hours, we finally found a clearing where we could set up our camp for the night.
  2. vyrovnávanie (v bankovníctve)
    The check I deposited at the bank is currently in clearing, so the funds should be available in my account by tomorrow.
  3. ukončenie hovoru (v telekomunikáciách)
    There was a brief pause before the line went dead, signaling the clearing of the phone call.
  4. odkop (vo futbale)
    The defender made a crucial clearing in the last minute of the game, preventing the opposing team from scoring a goal.