əˈlɔːŋ US əˈlɒŋ UK

along (EN)
prepoziție, adverb

prepoziție “along”

  1. de-a lungul
    She walked along the riverbank, enjoying the peaceful sound of the flowing water.
  2. de-a lungul (referindu-se la un punct specific de-a lungul a ceva)
    Meet me at the bench along the river path.

adverb “along”

along (more/most)
  1. împreună
    As they walked through the park, she hummed a tune and he whistled along.
  2. înainte
    Keep walking along until you reach the end of the path.
  3. înainte (progresând către o stare sau poziție mai bună)
    Her recovery is moving along well after the surgery.