
prize (EN)
substantiv, verb, adjektiv

substantiv “prize”

sg. prize, pl. prizes
  1. premie
    She won the first prize in the science fair for her impressive project.
  2. pris
    He received a prize for his lifelong contributions to literature.
  3. skatt (noe av stor verdi)
    The rare diamond was the prize of the treasure hunters.
  4. prise (skip eller varer tatt som krigsbytte)
    The naval fleet returned with several enemy ships as prizes.

verb “prize”

prize; he prizes; past prized, part. prized; ger. prizing
  1. verdsette
    She prized her grandmother's necklace above all her possessions.
  2. bryte opp (med brekkstang)
    They prized open the old chest to see what was inside.

adjektiv “prize”

prize, non-gradable
  1. prisvinnende
    She displayed her prize roses at the flower show.
  2. førsteklasses
    He made a prize catch during the baseball game.