Nafnorð “prize”
eintala prize, fleirtala prizes
- verðlaun
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
She won the first prize in the science fair for her impressive project.
- verðlaun (fyrir afburðaárangur)
He received a prize for his lifelong contributions to literature.
- gersemi
The rare diamond was the prize of the treasure hunters.
- herfang
The naval fleet returned with several enemy ships as prizes.
sögn “prize”
nafnháttur prize; hann prizes; þátíð prized; lh. þt. prized; nhm. prizing
- meta mikils
She prized her grandmother's necklace above all her possessions.
- fleyga
They prized open the old chest to see what was inside.
lýsingarorð “prize”
grunnform prize, ekki stigbreytanlegt
- verðlaunaður
She displayed her prize roses at the flower show.
- úrvals-
He made a prize catch during the baseball game.