under (EN)
संबंधसूचक अव्यय, क्रियाविशेषण, विशेषण

संबंधसूचक अव्यय “under”

  1. खाली
    The children hid under the table during the game of hide and seek.
  2. पाण्याखाली (पाण्याच्या पृष्ठभागाखाली)
    Divers discovered a shipwreck under the sea.
  3. कमी (निश्चित संख्या, अंश किंवा प्रमाणापेक्षा कमी)
    The temperature dropped to just under freezing last night.
  4. अधीन (कोणत्याही व्यक्ती किंवा गोष्टीच्या अधिकाराखाली)
    The new recruits trained under the strict supervision of the sergeant.
  5. अंतर्गत (विशिष्ट गट किंवा क्षेत्रामध्ये वर्गीकृत)
    You'll find the manual under the "Instruction Guides" section.
  6. दबावाखाली (आव्हानात्मक परिस्थितीमुळे)
    The bridge buckled under the weight of the heavy trucks.
  7. टोपणनावाखाली (आपल्या मूळ नावाऐवजी वापरलेल्या नावाखाली)
    She performed on stage under the pseudonym "Mystic Melody."

क्रियाविशेषण “under”

  1. खालच्या स्थानी (शारीरिक किंवा स्थितीच्या दृष्टीने)
    The submarine went under to avoid detection.
  2. अपुरे (प्रमाण किंवा अंशाने कमी)
    The event was under-attended due to the bad weather.
  3. बेशुद्ध (अचेतन किंवा झोपलेल्या अवस्थेत)
    After the anesthesia was administered, the patient quickly went under.

विशेषण “under”

under, non-gradable
  1. खालचा (विशिष्ट भागाखाली स्थित)
    The under layer of the cake was soaked with syrup.
  2. पराभूत (विरोधी शक्तीने अधिकृत किंवा वर्चस्व गाजवलेले)
    After the coup, the old government was kept under by the new regime.
  3. भान नसलेले (भान गमावून बेशुद्ध अवस्थेत)
    The surgeon waited until the patient was completely under before beginning the operation.
  4. कोलमडलेले (पूर्णपणे कोसळणे, अपयश किंवा नाश होणे)
    Many small shops went under during the economic downturn.