learned (EN)
विशेषण, विशेषण

हे शब्द देखील याचे एक रूप असू शकते:
learn (क्रियापद)

विशेषण “learned”

learned, non-gradable
  1. शिकलेला
    The professor was a learned man, fluent in seven languages and well-versed in classical literature.
  2. विद्वान (कायद्याच्या संदर्भात)
    In court, the learned counsel presented a compelling argument for her client's innocence.

विशेषण “learned”

learned, non-gradable
  1. अनुभवातून किंवा अभ्यासातून प्राप्त (जन्मजात नसलेला)
    His ability to solve complex math problems was not innate but a learned skill through years of study and practice.