
comfort (EN)
именка, глагол

именка “comfort”

sg. comfort, pl. comforts or uncountable
  1. удобност
    After years of hard work, they finally lived in comfort, with a cozy home and plenty of food.
  2. олеснување
    After the stressful meeting, she found comfort in listening to music.
  3. удобности (што го прават животот полесен)
    The hotel offers many comforts, including a spa and gourmet dining.
  4. утеха
    When he lost his job, his family's support was a great comfort to him.

глагол “comfort”

comfort; he comforts; past comforted, part. comforted; ger. comforting
  1. утеши
    She comforted her friend after he received the bad news.