
comfort (EN)
аталыш сөз, этиш

аталыш сөз “comfort”

sg. comfort, pl. comforts or uncountable
  1. жыргалчылык
    After years of hard work, they finally lived in comfort, with a cozy home and plenty of food.
  2. тынчтык
    After the stressful meeting, she found comfort in listening to music.
  3. ыңгайлуулук
    The hotel offers many comforts, including a spa and gourmet dining.
  4. жубатуу
    When he lost his job, his family's support was a great comfort to him.

этиш “comfort”

comfort; he comforts; past comforted, part. comforted; ger. comforting
  1. жубатуу (кайгырып турган адамды)
    She comforted her friend after he received the bad news.