lietvārds “net”
vienskaitlis net, daudzskaitlis nets vai neizsakāms
- tīkls
Reģistrējieties, lai redzētu piemēru teikumu tulkojumus un vienvalodas definīcijas katram vārdam.
The fisherman repaired his net before going out to sea.
- vārti
He kicked the ball into the net to win the game.
- tīkls (sportā)
She served the ball over the net.
- internets
He spends hours every day surfing the net.
- plakana forma, ko var salocīt trīsdimensiju figūrā
The class made a net of a cube out of paper.
- tīkls (sistēma)
The country's rail net connects all major cities.
- tīrais
His net was larger than last year.
darbības vārds “net”
infinitīvs net; viņš nets; pag. netted; pag. divd. netted; ģer. netting
- noķert ar tīklu
They netted several fish in the river.
- notvert
The police netted the thieves after a long investigation.
- apklāt ar tīklu
The gardeners netted the berry bushes to keep birds away.
- iesist vārtus
He netted a brilliant goal from outside the box.
- iesist tīklā
She lost the point by netting her backhand.
- nopelnīt tīro peļņu
She netted a tidy sum from the sale.
īpašības vārds “net”
pamata forma net, nepakāpenisks
- tīrais
The net income was lower than expected.
apstākļa vārds “net”
- tīri