lietvārds “comparison”
vienskaitlis comparison, daudzskaitlis comparisons vai neizsakāms
- salīdzināšana
Reģistrējieties, lai redzētu piemēru teikumu tulkojumus un vienvalodas definīcijas katram vārdam.
When you do a comparison of different universities, you should look at their course offerings and reputation.
- izmanto, lai paustu ideju par būtisku atšķirību (nolieguma teikumos)
There is no comparison between her singing talent and mine, as she is far more accomplished than I am.
- pakāpe (gramatikā)
My teacher introduced comparison by illustrating fast, faster, and fastest.
- līdzība
Her painting bears comparison with the work of the old masters due to its meticulous detail.
- salīdzinājums (retorikā)
In his speech, the author often used comparison to highlight the importance of perseverance.