
comparison (EN)

isim “comparison”

tək comparison, cəm comparisons və ya sayıla bilməz
  1. müqayisə
    When you do a comparison of different universities, you should look at their course offerings and reputation.
  2. müqayisənin mənalarından biri olan "çox fərqli olmaq fikrini çatdırmaq üçün istifadə olunur (inkar cümlələrində)"
    There is no comparison between her singing talent and mine, as she is far more accomplished than I am.
  3. müqayisə (qrammatik dərəcələndirmə)
    My teacher introduced comparison by illustrating fast, faster, and fastest.
  4. oxşarlıq
    Her painting bears comparison with the work of the old masters due to its meticulous detail.
  5. bənzətmə
    In his speech, the author often used comparison to highlight the importance of perseverance.