W (EN)
burts, lietvārds, simbols

Šis vārds var būt arī forma no:
w (burts)

burts “W”

  1. burta "w" lielais burts
    When writing her name, Wendy always starts with a big "W".

lietvārds “W”

sg. W, pl. Ws
  1. r. (rietumu saīsinājums)
    The compass pointed towards the W symbol.
  2. trešdienas saīsinājums
    We have meetings scheduled for M T W.
  3. norāde uz uzvaru skaitu, ko izmanto sporta statistikā
    The team got 10W, 5L, 3T.

simbols “W”

  1. simbols volframam (elementam ar atomskaitli 74)
    Tungsten chloride (WCl6), is used in chemical reactions.
  2. vats (enerģijas pārneses mērvienība)
    The new light bulb uses only 10 W of power.
  3. 1-burta abreviatūra aminoskābei triptofānam, ko izmanto bioķīmijā
    In the protein sequence, "W" stands for tryptophan, an essential amino acid.
  4. simbols darbam fizikā
    In physics, the work done by a force is calculated using the formula W = F * d * cos(θ).
  5. izmanto, lai norādītu sieviešu tualetes
    The line for the bathroom marked "W" was much longer than for the men's.