mark (EN)
daiktavardis, veiksmažodis

daiktavardis “mark”

sg. mark, pl. marks
  1. žymė
    At the crossroads stood an ancient oak, serving as a mark to guide weary travelers on their journey.
  2. dėmė
    After accidentally dropping my phone, I noticed a small mark on its screen.
  3. požymis
    Her unwavering honesty is the mark of a trustworthy friend.
  4. ženklas
    She carefully placed a check mark next to each completed task on her list.
  5. prekės ženklas
    The pottery had a maker's mark on the bottom, indicating it was an authentic piece.
  6. modelio numeris
    The company released the Mark V drone with improved battery life and enhanced camera resolution.
  7. įvertis
    She was thrilled to receive full marks on her math quiz.
  8. taikinys
    The archers aimed their arrows at the mark, a bright red circle painted on the hay bale.
  9. atžyma (matavimo vieneto kontekste)
    He made a small mark on the wall to show how tall his son had grown.
  10. valdymas (maža teritorija su savo valdovu)
    The Duke ruled over the Mark of Greenhill, a lush territory known for its vineyards.
  11. starto linija
    The runner crouched low, her toes just behind the mark, ready to sprint as soon as the gun sounded.
  12. taškas
    She achieved a high mark in the long jump competition, setting a new school record.
  13. pastaba (apie elgesį ar veiklą)
    She received a mark on her record for excellent attendance throughout the year.
  14. žyma (orke temperatūros skalėje)
    Preheat the oven to gas mark 5 before you start baking the cake.
  15. sugavimas (tam tikrose sporto šakose, suteikiantis teisę į nemokamą smūgį)
    During the game, he made an impressive mark from a 15-metre kick, earning his team a crucial free kick.
  16. markė
    In 1985, a loaf of bread in Berlin cost about 1 mark.

veiksmažodis “mark”

mark; he marks; past marked, part. marked; ger. marking
  1. pažymėti (etiketėmis ar raštu identifikavimui)
    She marked her name on all her books to avoid confusion with her classmates.
  2. palikti matomą žymę
    The coffee cup marked the wooden table with a stubborn ring.
  3. neigiamai paveikti
    The scandal marked his career, casting a shadow over all his achievements.
  4. įvertinti (mokyklinį darbą)
    After the final exams, Mr. Thompson marked the essays late into the night to ensure students received their grades on time.
  5. pažymėti (kažkieno statusą)
    The teacher marked him late for the third time this week.
  6. pažymėti (svarbios vietos buvimo vietą)
    A small plaque marks the place where the ancient tree once stood.
  7. paminėti (šventę)
    The town marks the beginning of spring with a colorful parade.
  8. charakterizuoti
    Her generosity marked her as a true friend to everyone.
  9. rodyti (būdingą savybę)
    Her approach to problem-solving is marked by creativity and persistence.
  10. fiksuoti (rezultatus ar skaičius)
    As we played chess, I marked each move carefully in my notebook to analyze the game later.
  11. ginti (sporto varžybose, priešininką)
    The coach instructed the defender to closely mark the opposing team's fastest striker.