head (EN)
daiktavardis, daiktavardis, veiksmažodis, būdvardis

daiktavardis “head”

sg. head, pl. heads or uncountable
  1. galva
    She bumped her head on the low doorway as she entered the room.
  2. mintys
    I can't solve this puzzle right now; I need to clear my head and try again later.
  3. vadovas
    After the meeting, everyone agreed that Jenna was the head behind the successful project launch.
  4. direktorius (mokyklos kontekste)
    The head of the school announced a new policy during assembly.
  5. protinis sugebėjimas
    She has an excellent head for numbers, which makes her an outstanding accountant.
  6. galvos skausmas (dėl per didelio alkoholio vartojimo)
    After the wild party last night, I woke up with a pounding head that wouldn't quit.
  7. asmuo (skaičiuojant)
    The restaurant charged twenty dollars per head for the buffet.
  8. galas (prie stalo, dažniausiai garbės svečio vieta)
    At the family reunion, Grandpa always takes his place at the head of the table, smiling as he looks down the long row of faces.
  9. galvutė (įrankio ar įtaiso smūgio dalis)
    He swung the axe with precision, the head striking the log squarely and splitting it in two.
  10. galvutė (tvirtinimo elemento plokščioji priešinga aštriam galui pusė)
    When hammering the nail into the wall, make sure you strike the head squarely to avoid bending it.
  11. ašmenys (projektilo ar įrankio aštrusis galas)
    Before firing, she checked to ensure the head of the arrow was securely attached to the shaft.
  12. galvutė (gitaros dalis, kurioje yra derinimo vinys)
    I need to replace the tuning pegs on my guitar's head because they've become too stiff to turn.
  13. skaitytuvas (įrenginys duomenų skaitymui ar rašymui)
    The hard drive's read/write head malfunctioned, causing data retrieval issues.
  14. antraštė (naujienų straipsnio)
    The editor insisted that the heads on the front page must be captivating to grab readers' attention.
  15. puta (ant gazuoto gėrimo paviršiaus)
    When he tapped the keg, a thick head quickly formed on top of the poured pints.
  16. galvutė (variklio dalis, dengianti cilindrus ir turinti komponentus, pvz., vožtuvus ir žvakės)
    The mechanic said the engine misfire was due to a crack in the cylinder head.
  17. žiedynas (tankus gėlių, sėklų ar lapų kuokštas)
    She snipped off a head of broccoli to steam for dinner.
  18. galvutė (kaulo dalis, kuri įeina į sąnarį)
    The head of the femur fits snugly into the hip socket, allowing for a wide range of leg movements.
  19. pažanga
    Despite working all night, we made little head on the project due to constant technical issues.

daiktavardis “head”

sg. head, pl. heads
  1. galvija (gyvulio ar medžiojamo žvėries vienetas)
    The farmer mentioned he had just purchased ten head of sheep to add to his flock.

veiksmažodis “head”

head; he heads; past headed, part. headed; ger. heading
  1. eiti (nukreipti į tam tikrą kryptį)
    After lunch, we headed towards the museum for the afternoon tour.
  2. vadovauti (būti atsakingam už grupę ar organizaciją)
    She heads the marketing department and is responsible for all promotional activities.
  3. pirmauti (būti priešakyje ar pradžioje kažko)
    The marching band headed the parade, setting the rhythm for all the floats and performers that followed.

būdvardis “head”

head, non-gradable
  1. pagrindinis (svarbiausias ar labiausiai išsiskiriantis)
    She was appointed the head librarian due to her extensive experience and knowledge.