
bus (EN)
daiktavardis, veiksmažodis

daiktavardis “bus”

vns. bus, dgs. buses, busses
  1. autobusas
    We took the bus downtown to visit the museum.
  2. magistralė
    The data bus connects the processor to the memory.

veiksmažodis “bus”

bendratis bus; jis buses, busses uk; būt. laik. bused, bussed uk; būd. dal. bused, bussed uk; dalyv. busing, bussing uk
  1. vežti autobusu
    The company buses employees to the factory from the nearby town.
  2. keliauti autobusu
    We decided to bus across the country during the summer holidays.
  3. vežti mokinius į skirtingas mokyklas autobusu, ypač siekiant integruoti mokyklas rasiniu pagrindu
    In the 1970s, many cities began to bus students to promote desegregation.
  4. nurinkti (indus restorane)
    He is working part-time bussing tables at the diner.