
f (EN)
letter, noun, symbol

Dëst Wuert kann och eng Form vu Folgendem sinn:
F (letter, noun, proper noun, adjective, verb, interjection, symbol)

letter “f”

  1. the lowercase form of the letter "F"
    The word "fish" starts with the letter "f".

noun “f”

Singular f, Plural fs oder onzieleg
  1. eng euphemistesch Manéier fir op d'Wuert "fuck" ze verweisen
    I can't believe he just said "f you" to the teacher.

symbol “f”

  1. forte in music
    When the music sheet showed "f", the pianist played the notes loudly, as instructed.
  2. the symbol for frequency in physics
    In the equation f = 1/T, T represents the period of the wave.
  3. the symbol for focal length in optics
    To capture the entire landscape in his photograph, the set f to 18mm.
  4. the symbol used to denote the feminine gender in linguistics
    In Spanish, "a friend" can be translated as "amiga" (f) or "amigo" (m).