
coloring (EN)

Dëst Wuert kann och eng Form vu Folgendem sinn:
color (verb)

noun “coloring”

Singular coloring us, colouring uk, Plural colorings us, colourings uk oder onzieleg
  1. Faarfstoff
    You can add food coloring to the icing to make it more festive.
  2. Faarwen (Aktivitéit)
    Coloring can be a relaxing activity for children and adults alike.
  3. d'natierlech Faarf an Erscheinung vun enger Persoun hirer Haut, Hoer oder Aen
    With her fair coloring and blue eyes, she resembles her mother.
  4. (am Mathematik) eng Zouwisung vu Faarwen un Deeler vun engem mathemateschen Objet, wéi e Graf, no bestëmmte Reegelen.
    In graph theory, proper coloring requires that no two adjacent vertices share the same color.