verb “clip”
Infinitiv clip; hien clips; Verg. clipped; Part. Verg. clipped; Ger. clipping
- schneiden
Mellen Iech un, fir d'Iwwersetzungen vun den Beispillsätz an d'monolingual Definitioune vun all Wuert ze gesinn.
The gardener clipped the bushes to keep them tidy.
- festmaachen (mat engem Clip)
She clipped the microphone to her shirt.
- streifen
The cyclist clipped the curb and fell off.
- verkierzen
Due to time constraints, the editor had to clip the article.
- ausschneiden (aus engem Video oder Audio)
He clipped the funniest parts of the show to share online.
noun “clip”
Singular clip, Plural clips
- Clip
She used a hair clip to keep her hair out of her face.
- Clip (aus engem Video oder Audio)
The teacher played a clip from a movie in the lesson.
- Magazin (fir Munitioun)
The soldier inserted a new clip into his rifle.
- Schnëtt
The dog needs a clip before summer arrives.
- Klapps
His mother gave him a clip on the ear for talking back.