noun “bowl”
Singular bowl, Plural bowls
- Schossel
Mellen Iech un, fir d'Iwwersetzungen vun den Beispillsätz an d'monolingual Definitioune vun all Wuert ze gesinn.
She poured cereal and milk into her favorite blue bowl for breakfast.
- Schossel (Portioun)
She ate two bowls of cereal for breakfast.
- Schossel (ronnen, déifen Deel)
She scrubbed the inside of the toilet bowl until it was sparkling clean.
- Kapp (vun enger Fëmmgerätschaft)
He packed the bowl of the pipe with some fresh herbs before lighting it.
- Arena
We went to see our favorite band play at the Red Rocks Bowl last summer.
- eng grouss Fussballveranstaltung oder -kompetitioun, déi no der regulärer Saison an den USA ofgehale gëtt
The team was thrilled to be invited to play in the Orange Bowl this year.
- Boule
She carefully aimed her bowl towards the jack on the lawn.
- Boulen
She practiced her bowl every afternoon to improve her cricket skills.
verb “bowl”
Infinitiv bowl; hien bowls; Verg. bowled; Part. Verg. bowled; Ger. bowling
- geheien
She bowled the ball straight at the stumps, hoping to get the batter out.
- boulen
Every Friday night, we bowl at the local alley.
- fueren
The car bowled down the highway.