tight (EN)
сын атооч, наречие

сын атооч “tight”

tight, tighter, tightest
  1. денеге жакын
    The jeans were so tight that I could barely sit down.
  2. кыймылсыз
    She kept a tight grip on her brother's hand as they crossed the busy street.
  3. чыңалган
    He kept the strings of his guitar tight for the best sound.
  4. табууга кыйын
    With jobs being so tight in the town, many people had to travel elsewhere for work.
  5. жакын (мамиледе)
    After sharing so many secrets, Jake and I have become really tight friends.
  6. тар
    The alley between the buildings was so tight, only one person could walk through at a time.
  7. курч мүйүз
    The racecar driver skillfully navigated the track's tightest curve without slowing down.
  8. мас
    After a few rounds at the bar, they were all laughing and got tight, barely able to keep straight paths.
  9. чектелген
    She had to move quickly because her time was tight before the meeting started.

наречие “tight”

  1. бекем (мындайча)
    Hold the rope tight so it doesn't slip from your hands.
  2. терең (уктаганда)
    After the long hike, she fell into her bed and slept tight, undisturbed by the storm outside.