stumble (EN)
этиш, аталыш сөз

этиш “stumble”

stumble; he stumbles; past stumbled, part. stumbled; ger. stumbling
  1. чалынып кетүү
    She stumbled on the uneven sidewalk and almost fell.
  2. кекечтенүү
    During his presentation, he stumbled and forgot what he was going to say next.
  3. теңселүү (жыгылып кете жаздоо)
    Sarah stumbled over the uneven sidewalk, nearly dropping her groceries.
  4. чалыштыруу
    The unexpected news stumbled him, making him lose his balance.
  5. адаштыруу
    The confusing instructions stumbled the students, making them unsure of what to do next.
  6. туш келүү
    While exploring the old attic, Sarah stumbled upon a box of her grandmother's letters.

аталыш сөз “stumble”

sg. stumble, pl. stumbles
  1. чалынып кетүү (жыгылып кетүү)
    She had a little stumble on the uneven sidewalk but quickly caught herself.
  2. ката (кичине ката)
    Despite a few stumbles in the beginning, the team eventually launched a successful product.